Not By Sight Media

Helping you in the trials, fears, confusion, crises, and searchings of life.

Not By Sight Media

Helping you in the trials, fears, confusion, crises, and searchings of life.

Our Mission - Not By Sight Media - Beautiful ocean view of the sunset with puffy clouds

Welcome to Not By Sight Media

Not By sight Media, NFP exists to help you in the trials, fears, confusion, crises and searching of life.

All of us will encounter circumstances that will test us, shake us and surprise us. Some of these we bring on ourselves and others just happen to us.

Whatever the reasons, we are not the only ones to go through these things, and hearing from others who have been where you are can help to give you a sense that you are not alone and that there are good ways to go through things and there are also ways that make a difficult time even worse.

Wayne’s Story

My name is Wayne and my life has a long list of mistakes, trials, and challenges.

I have made more mistakes in my life than most of you.  I hope that by making the details of my life available I can help others to make fewer mistakes. I want to help others go through the trials, pain, and confusion that are a part of everyone’s life, in a more peaceful and trusting way.

Imagine-I was a legally blind photographer who hated going blind and even tried to kill myself, but here’s the exciting part-today, I am alive and happy being blind!

What happened? My story will help you to fill in the blanks.

Wayne Smith - Not By Sight Media Founder
Wayne Smith Interview - Not By Sight Media - Sun behind a tree that is casting shadows on the grass

Interview With Wayne Smith

Read my interview on Catholic Profiles with Virginia Groark Hale.